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Our partners will be happy to assist you

Cross-border Expansion Services

Evans General Contractors is a national/international design-build, general contracting, and construction management firm ranked by ENR as a Top 400 Contractor in the U.S. and #1 design-builder in the Southeast.

Cross-border Expansion Services

ElectriCities of North Carolina, Inc supports 72 community owned electric systems in North Carolina. It manages the power supply for two North Carolina agencies and offers technical services to help members operate their systems.

Legal Services for cross-border Operations

AGG supports international businesses and law firms by utilizing an exceptional legal expertise and extensive global network.

Accounting & Advisory

Prager Metis is a global advisory and accounting firm with over 100 partners and 26 offices worldwide. The firm provides comprehensive tax, audit, and consulting services to enhance value for local and international clients.

Thorelli & Associates: Legal Solutions

Legal Solutions

Thorelli & Associates offers over twenty years of experience in the legal representation of businesses and individuals with particular emphasis in assisting foreign interests in the United States.

Accounting, Tax & Consulting

International Management Solutions (IMS) is an accounting and consulting firm dedicated to assisting European companies in establishing and growing their businesses in the United States.