Grazie Mille, Confindustria Vicenza per ‘Obiettivo USA 2024’ – Our Investment Seminar in May 2024

A wonderful Palladio Palazzo, the offices of Veneto-based Confindustria Vicenza, hosted on 07 May 2024 the ‘Target USA 2024 – a market for today
and future business!’ investment seminar, in cooperation with CASE and industrial sponsors.
A 100 people strong interested audience got inspirations from the various competent speakers, learned about the economic impact in the USA, current federal policies and ‘How to get ready’ for a soft-landing in the U.S. market for your product or service’ with experiences shared by testimonials of regional companies or in the following networking session with 6 CASE member states from Indiana, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina and Virginia.
We thank Confindustria Vicenza and its professional staff and Luigi Mercuri, our CASE Vice-President for the smoothless organisation.
Looking forward to the 2025’ edition.

Photo: Andreas Flensborg, VA

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